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N litter is our Beba second litter, we chose wonderful male from Poland (imported from USA) and made nice outcross with familiar American bloodline.

A bit about N babbies...

N litter is born on 02. October 2021. We travelled once again to Poland, to meet American boy Timur. Wonderful, strong, compact male, excellent head, very impressive to look at. Except far linebreeding 7-7: Motifs Tug of War this litter is total outcross. We wanted to bring some new, fresh blood to our country.

Sire: Heritage Swagger For Rehab AST  (HD A, ED 0, Ataxia clear)
Breeder: Rehab AST Kennel, Mariah Mazurek
Owner: Anna Maria Mazur

Dam: Prada I Came to Win Dolly Bell (HD C, ED 0, Ataxia carrier)



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